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7- Mostly Vegan, Always Vegetarian

I’ve done low carb, no carb, Whole 30, water fasting, dry fasting, big glass of water before every single meal and before any bite of food, everything but the wire my mouth shut diet. I have enjoyed the rush of losing weight quickly with ditching the carbs. I have enjoyed feeling more clean and ditching the sugar monster with the Whole 30. I have enjoyed feeling really cleaned out and how fresh my skin looks while water fasting. When I got the flu my body did not want food or water so I got to try dry fasting. That I loved. The mental clarity that came into being and the feeling of lightness it brought to my body. Extra water is always good, but drinking nonstop when you really want a bite to eat makes it painful. I’m currently doing The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush. Look up the book, really, do it. It’s crazy informative over almost every process of the human body and how to make it all work better, more in tandem. My first flush failed. I however am the King of the Fail, so I know that you try try again. Gotta hear a lot of no’s if you want a big yes!

The most valuable lesson I learned in college was how to bounce back from catastrophe. That’s a story for a second or third date. Why not first? I want to be sure to bring you back for more. Where do you want to go on our first date? I could cook! Yes, I am pretty darn handy around the kitchen. I’d like to think that you’ll be as impressed with my veggie spaghetti as you will be when I dedicate a song to you at one of my concerts. Okay, you won’t be, but it will still be fun! Wait, you already like spaghetti made out of zucchini? Oh, that must be because you live outside of America and about 90% of the guys who mention food in their profile mention that they are vegan or vegetarian. I honestly think most choose to be vegan because it’s easier to spell. I elected to change to a vegan diet because I wanted a healthy alternative that I will want to live with for a lifetime. I suppose I’m actually on par with the times this time, or maybe even ahead of them in America, with going to this way of eating that so many European men are adapting to already. Hello men, I’m ready to chow down on you… with you. With you all. I mean with one of you. Tu, not vous. I’m going to end this post now.

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